Volatile and non-volatile memory are critical components for safety and security. This component is responsible for managing access to any memory.
ID Title User Story Priority Status
F004-1 Stack Overflow As a maintainer, I want to trap stack overflows, so that no other task gets corrupted. high done
F004-2 Heap As a maker, I want to use Rusts dynamic container types, so that I can use modern programming paradigms. medium done
F004-3 Memory Pool As a developer, I want to use a deterministic dynamic memory (heap) without fragmentation, so that I don't get fragmentation issues from long run times. medium done
F004-4 Pool Configuration As a developer, I want to structure the heap at run time, so that I have maximum flexibility in my code. low done
F004-5 Unsafe Isolation As a developer, I want to run unsafe libraries in isolation, so that I can use preexisting code without corruption of my safe application. low to review
F004-6 Kernel Isolation As a maintainer, I want to isolate the kernel memory from user code, so that an error in user code cannot corrupt the whole system. medium done