F003: Message Queues

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Document Statusactive


Data can be transferred safely between tasks with message queues.


IDTitleUser StoryPriorityStatus
F003-1Message QueueAs a developer, I want to send messages from one task to another, so that I can communicate data between tasks.highdone
F003-2Message Queue SizeAs a developer, I want to allocate a queue of fixed size within a task, so that no messages get lost when they're not read immediately.mediumdone
F003-3Message Queue AccessAs a developer, I want to send messages from multiple tasks to one queue, so that the memory overhead from the queues is minimal.mediumdone
F003-4FIFO Message QueueAs a developer, I want the queue to be of FIFO manner, so that the order of messages is preserved.mediumdone
F003-5Reference MessagingAs a developer, I want to send data efficiently, so that large data blocks can be exchanged without excessive overhead of copying data.lowdone



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